Nomikos Kokolias LTD - Chios Electrical Installations - Chios Heating Systems - Air Conditioning - Electrical Installations - Air Conditioning - Heating Appliances Chios

Nomikos Kokolias LTD - Chios Electrical Installations - Chios Heating Systems - Air Conditioning - Electrical Installations - Air Conditioning - Heating Appliances Chios

29879 Visitors:
Address: 50, Nauarchou Kountouriotou Str.
Area: Chios
Telephone: 2271082147
Mobile: 6976792841, 6976791792
P.C.: 82100
Fax: 2271082147
Responsible: Nomikos Ilias, Kokolias Costas
Responsible phone: -
Electrical - Hydraulic - Heating - Air Conditioning - Chios Electrical - Plumbing Installations in Chios Heating - Air Conditioning - Chios Heating - Air Conditioning Chios Trade of Electrical Material - Lighting Boilers - Energy Jackets - Solar Heaters - Lamps The company "NOMIKOS H. - KOKOLIAS KE" in Chios is the ideal choice in the island for the treatment of all kinds of electrical & plumbing, heating and air conditioning. Using the most modern media of the time, the...
29879 Visitors:

50, Nauarchou Kountouriotou Str., Chios

29879 Visitors:

Electrical - Hydraulic - Heating - Air Conditioning - Chios
Electrical - Plumbing Installations in Chios
Heating - Air Conditioning - Chios
Heating - Air Conditioning Chios
Trade of Electrical Material - Lighting
Boilers - Energy Jackets - Solar Heaters - Lamps

The company "NOMIKOS H. - KOKOLIAS KE" in Chios is the ideal choice in the island for the treatment of all kinds of electrical & plumbing, heating and air conditioning.

Using the most modern media of the time, the finest materials, the excellent work combined with our competitive prices, we have achieved and have won the trust of all our customers, satisfying even the most special requirements.

Together with our specialized personnel, we carry out all kinds of work and solve any problems in your electrical, plumbing, private and professional space, heating or air conditioning.

Since 2009 we have opened our store in the center of Chios, always with consistent and professionalism, we offer you the best products, recognized Greek and foreign companies.

Air conditioners of Carrier, Midea, Daikin, Calpak Solar Water Heaters, a wide range of Lighting and a huge range of plumbing and electrical materials that can meet the modern requirements of individuals, professionals and small or large businesses.

Solar Systems
Electrical equipment
Hydraulic articles
Heating & Air Conditioning Products

Electrical Installations
PPC Certificates
Maintenance - Renovations
Replacement of electrical panels
Special lighting studies
Professional - home lighting
Floor heating
Installation - Service of Air Conditioners

Hydraulic installations
Bathroom Renovations
Placement of sanitary items
Repairs - maintenance of thermo-hydraulic installations
Construction of sewerage network of buildings and building complexes
Installing a solar water heater on a rooftop or tile roof
Installation of solar systems
Radiator installation - Maintenance - Faults
Floor heating

Our company undertakes:

• Installing heating and body fitting, changing the solenoid valve and changing the boiler in your apartment.
• Central heating installation, boiler change, change of burner, pump and automatic filling in apartment building.
• The autonomy of your installation by the other occupants of the apartment building.



Yours sincerely: '' NOMIKOS H. - KOKOLIAS O.E. ''


Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Electrical Installations
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Trade in Electrical Materials
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Lighting
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Air conditioners
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Hydraulic installations
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Heating systems
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Heating Products
Electrical and Plumbing Services in Chios Hygiene items
29879 Visitors:

50, Nauarchou Kountouriotou Str.

Telephone: 2271082147
Mobile: 6976792841, 6976791792

Working Hours
